Désirez-vous tous les manuels burner francophones d'un seul coup ? Alors cette offre est impeccable :
- Burner Games
- Burner Games Reloaded
- Burner Games Revolution
- Burner Games Fantasy
- Burner Games Academy 1
- Burner Games Academy 2 (nouveau 2022)
- Burner Breaking (nouveau 2022)
- Burner@home (nouveau 2022)
- Donut Hockey
- Burner Gladiators
- Burner Battle Kit 20 Activity Cards avec Sleeve *
- Burner Parkour
- Burner Speed Handball
- 3-2-1-GOAL!
- Burner Acrobatics
- Burner Acrobatics 91 Activity Cards avec 3 Sleeves
*Battle Kit This compose of 20 A4 activity cards, laminated on two sides of the road, provides some pratical and new pricing for the ranger and the transporter.
*Le set Burner Acrobatics Activity Cards se compose the 91 cards of activities in A4 format, laminated on the two sides, with 3 different prices and a new design for the ranger and the transporter.